Ben Fries the Slaves

Ben Fries the Slaves is an epic-length comedy-drama about 14-year-old Ben Fries. He has recently composed a six-hour video epic about the life of Rimbaud (pronounced "Rambo"), the beloved movie action hero, consisting of over two-hundred episodes and weekend after weekend of shooting and editing mountains of footage. Ben has an entourage of college students who follow his every word and his every idea. He finds extraordinary images in the life of Rimbaud such as Rimbaud engaged in a game of chess with his master and Rimbaud experiencing torture lasting 600 years. Timmy Hause is a child prodigy artist who became known for his remarkable representations of figures like Dostoyevsky, St. Benedict and others. He begins a series of drawings in all media about Ben Fries—and soon after, Ben destroys his epic, disappearing in Venezuela to be presumed dead. College roommates Nikki and Julian, who have been involved with Ben and Timmy respectively, attempt to put together the pieces of the puzzle whilst trying to ward off (only to succumb to) the malicious agenda of the malevolent student filmmaker Rick Algarosa, who always expressed ill will for Ben Fries and the Rimbaud epic.

2007 / 164 minutes / Color / 1.33:1
Written and Directed by John Gross; Produced by Daniel Kremer and John Gross; Director of Photography Daniel Kremer
Starring Ben Fries (Ben), Katya Quinn-Judge (Julian), Brooke Somers (Nikki), Timothy Hause (Timmy), John Gross (Rick Algarosa), Daniel Kremer (Dan Kramer), Patricia Fries (Patti)

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