Twilight of the Idols is John Gross' follow-up to directing a trilogy of feature films back-to-back (in an impressive three-year time-span). This short film is a dark portrait of an oppressed football-fan inescapably trapped within a brooding, disenfranchised American landscape. The film tells the story of Rick, a blue-collar independent contractor who has fallen onto extremely dire economic hard times. The only thing that keeps him going is an intense love of his favorite hometown football team. As he rabidly awaits the Super Bowl at the end of the week, at which the Eagles are contestants, his ex-wife and son start collecting their own set of additional problems. Harold, his son, has been denied student loans for college and both of them pine for Rick’s lost presence at the dinner table, but Rick’s violent temper regarding his favorite team is somewhat frightening and it has alienated everyone from him. However, a cosmic, unexpected visit from an unlikely deity prod Rick to ask that vexing question of what is most important to him.

2009 / 28 minutes / Color / HD-24P with Letus / 1.85:1
Written and Directed by John Gross; Produced by Eric Sciole, Nao Tamekawa; Director of Photography Eric Sciole; Gaffer Colin Malone; Production Designer Cheryl Jenkins
Starring Kenneth John McGregor (Rick), Craig Fineburg (Harold), Sandy Mitchell (Mom), Orion Smith (James), Katya Quinn-Judge (Girl in Street)

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